MyAge is a code snippet that calculates your age. I hadn't bothered posting it, as it's fairly trivial, but someone asked for it in an IRC channel last night so I thought it might be more useful to people than I realised.
* MyAge by Alex Pounds <>
* A small script to calculate my age, instead of updating a webpage once a year.
// Edit the numbers below to match your birthdate.
$birthyear=1982; $birthmonth=4; $birthday=23;
$nowyear=date("Y"); $nowmonth=date("m"); $nowday=date("d");
if($nowmonth > $birthmonth) {
//Age is simply the difference in years.
print $nowyear - $birthyear;
} else if($nowmonth == $birthmonth) {
if($nowday < $birthday) {
print $nowyear - $birthyear - 1;
} else {
print $nowyear - $birthyear;
} else {
print $nowyear - $birthyear - 1;